Envision, infuse and create what comes after what comes next

Finding your Foresight
INFUSE, founded in 1992, is an alliance of people dedicated to developing and applying Futures Research and Strategic Foresight methodologies enabling our clients to evaluate, define, plan and execute their most preferred future. We provide a combination of strategy development, planning and research services tailored to the unique needs of each client’s situation to evaluate or create actionable strategies for succeeding in complex, rapidly changing, global operating environments. Our collaborative approach provides clarity of the organization’s current and future operating environment and aligns your vision, mission, strategy, objectives and action plans across the key internal and external stakeholders of your organization.
Navigating Postnormal Times
Organizations, governments, society and individuals are coping with unprecedented chaos, complexity and contradictions in the wake of unfolding events. INFUSE services and methods are designed to assist organizations facing one or more of the following factors:
Rapid or discontinuous internal or external change affecting the organization
Clarifying & reducing the uncertainties of highly complex future operating environments
Creation or evaluation of new or divergent strategies for the organization
Assessment of emerging markets or technologies
Developing strategies or plans for long-term time horizons
(5-25 years)
Impact assessment of wildcard (black swan) events or qualitative factors on current or future operations
Risk assessment and contingency planning
Building a common future vision, mission and aligning strategy across key stakeholders or constituencies
Optimizing organizational structures and operational processes for effective strategy execution
Operationalize and jump start strategic or tactical action plans
Foresight Consulting Services – Reduce Uncertainty: Create order out of chaos
INFUSE consulting and research services are tailored to the specific needs of each client’s business environment, culture and objectives. Service offerings span four practice areas including: Strategy Development, Foresight Research, Organizational Development and Strategy Execution.

Expert Network
The INFUSE expert network is constantly evolving to meet the needs of clients and the rapidly shifting global operating environment. Our current network consists of a combination of subject matter experts, consultants and thought leaders from academia, government and the public and private sector.
Foresight Clients

INFUSE utilizes a combination of strategy development methods, tools and techniques derived from differing sources to provide a tailored solution for each client engagement. The broad field of Strategic Foresight and Future Studies along with more focused methods such as Value Discipline, Balanced Scorecard and Business Process Re-engineering are but a few of the many methods that we study in-depth and draw upon when appropriate.